En mode ado is a project of the Direction de la santé publique de la Montérégie (DSP). The goal of this initiative? To support parents of teens by promoting positive parenting practices and addressing the challenges experienced by teens aged 12 to 17.
Why En mode ado? Simply because being “in teen mode” (En mode ado), means understanding the challenges teens face on a daily basis through their eyes.
The team behind this project
Professionals by day and mothers always, the members of the DSP youth team (équipe jeunesse) are always thinking about young people! With diverse backgrounds, notably in medicine, sexology, psychology and kinesiology, they dedicate themselves to improving the health, well-being and educational success of teens.
The professionals on this team do not work alone! Their day-to-day work is supported by a number of like-minded partners in the region. School, community, health and municipal sectors join forces to promote the optimal development of teens aged 12 to 17.
What is the DSP (Direction de la santé publique)?
The Montérégie DSP’s mandate is to inform and act in order to maintain and improve the health of the population in its territory. An integral part of the Centre intégré de santé et de services sociaux (CISSS) de la Montérégie-Centre, the DSP offers public health services to the entire Montérégie.