Positive mental health
During adolescence, teens experience a wide range of intense emotions, which sometimes make them seem unstable. Their mental health can have ups and downs. As a parent, you can help them take care of their mental health.
Energy drinks
What should we be thinking about teens’ energy drink consumption? These beverages are readily available and placed near juices and soft drinks at the store. They may seem harmless, but they contain a large amount of sugar and caffeine, which
The WaxPen or cannabis vaping
The WaxPen is a vape that contains a high concentration of cannabis. Using a WaxPen involves several risks such as cannabis addiction. The WaxPen is not sold by the Société québécoise du cannabis (SQDC). It is illegal to sell them
Citizenship in the digital era
Screens are part of the way of life for many young people. As a parent, you can guide your teen and help them develop citizenship in the digital era.
Teens and conflict
It’s normal to go through conflicts during your teenage years, or at any age. Conflicts are opportunities for young people to open themselves up to different points of view, to respectfully assert themselves and to find solutions to various problems.
Mixing it up: a smart move!
We’re all familiar with the positive impacts of physical activity. However, the benefits of participating in multiple sports activities during adolescence is a less familiar topic. Whether your teen isn’t very active or he or she is very active, it’s
Hygiene and teens
It’s a well-known fact that during puberty, starting around age 10 to 12, teens experience many changes in their bodies. Some of these changes make hygiene more important than before and new habits must be formed.
Breaking up
Many young people will have their first romantic experience during adolescence. However, being in a romantic relationship also brings with it the potential for heartbreak.
Stress and anxiety
Is it normal to feel stressed? Should I be concerned if my teen is experiencing stress? Is there a difference between stress and anxiety? As the parent of a teenager, it’s normal to ask these questions. Here are some answers.
Weight management methods: when should I start being concerned?
Dieting, miracle products promising weight loss or muscle gain or working out excessively are some examples of this. As a parent, when should you start being concerned and what should you do?